
How to reach "us"



Messages sent to POGA are forwarded to the Secretary of the Board of Directors for distribution to the appropriate party for response.

Please send mail to;




POGA also has a mailing list, but intends to use it sparingly. Most of the time information for the community will simply be posted to this site, but from time to time it may be necessary to reach out to residents.


If you have received a message but do not want to be on the mailing list, please send a message with the subject line "Remove Me" to ask@poga.rocks requesting that we remove your address.


If you are missing messages and would like to be added, send a message with the subject line "Add Me"  from the address you would like to have added.


For Snail Mail:

- P.O. Box 8399, Canmore, Alberta, Canada, T1W 2V2