
Community Peace Officers from the Town of Canmore attended a recent POGA Board of Directors meeting to review neighbourhood issues.


POGA will work with the Bylaw Services Department to help get important messages out to the community. Our (POGA) goal is to work with the community and Canmore Community Peace Officers to educate our residents on bylaw issues in order to gain compliance and all live better together. This can be a crowded neighbourhood at times, and knowing important facts about parking regulations, speed limits, or even pet ownership can be helpful in preserving the peace.


In the coming months specific issues will be highlighted on this page. Please take the time to review the information as it is released and do your part to help keep the Peaks of Gassi a safe and friendly place to live!

March 2016 - Parking


The Peaks of Grassi can get pretty busy at times. It is the highest density community in town, and one of the highest in Alberta.  That can lead to some problems when you need to find a parking spot. Below is a reminder of the rules of the road.


1.) Any registered vehicle can park on the street as long as it falls within Canmores Traffic and Road use bylaw.

    • RVs can only be temporary (up to 36 hrs. for loading).
    • Vehicles over 4500 kg can't park at all unless they are doing business (moving vans etc).
    • Length of time falls under the Traffic Safety Act (TSA). Essentially it states you may not park for more than 72 hours on any highway.


That being said ….. the rule is really meant to describe an abandoned vehicle not one that was left in place for the week, but is actually in use. Canmore Bylaw uses the phrase;

 “short-term parking, not long-term storage”

... for our streets here.  If someone is abusing that the TSA will be enforced.


2.)    You can only park outside of 5m from an intersection line or stop/ yield sign. This is in the use of highway and rules of the road regulation.


3.)    Commercial vehicles are defined in our bylaw as: “a vehicle operated on a highway by or on behalf of a person for the purpose of providing transportation but does not include a private passenger vehicle”. That doesn’t necessarily mean a vehicle used by a business and bylaw often receive complaints of this nature. Just because a vehicle has business markings it can still park like anyone else.


4.)    RVs: max 36 hrs. for loading or on private property.

    • Trailers cannot be parked on the road attached overnight (midnight to 8 am).
    • They cannot be unattached on the road at any time (bylaw).
    • Off-highway vehicles cannot be operated on a highway period. (This is a TSA rule)


Canmore Traffic and Road use bylaw: http://www.canmore.ca/town-of-canmore-bylaws/15-traffic-and-road-use-bylaw-2014-06/file

Alberta Traffic Safety Act: http://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/Regs/2002_304.pdf

Alberta Traffic Safety Act; use of highway and rules of the road regulation: http://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/Regs/2002_304.pdf