




BuffaloBerry Bushes


All residents of Peaks of Grassi are asked to inspect your lots for any growth of Buffalo Berry bush. Please prune any growth of Buffalo Berry that you may find on your property to assist in the Alberta Environment and Parks, as well as the Town of Canmore efforts to reduce attracting bears into human occupied lands in Canmore.


Please note that some PoG Good Samaritans have cut Buffalo Berry bushes on municipal reserve, which the Town is responsible for. We were told by a Town of Canmore official that we are not to do this and that the Town will come to do such trimming.

We advise our residents to take note that the Town does not want you to remove any Buffalo Berry on Town property, but if you know of Buffalo Berry bush that needs to be removed from Town property, you should notify the Town and ask them to remove this Buffalo Berry to keep our community safe for our children.

POGA Board of Directors